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Other specialtiesDisinfection Solutions for Various Specialties

Whether it’s dermatology, gynecology, ophthalmology, cardiology or any other medical specialty, each healthcare facility has its own requirements and needs in terms of patient safety.

Imporquímica Hospitalar has all the conditions to be the ideal partner; with a wide range of products developed to meet the requirements of each specialty, from gentle cleaning solutions to state-of-the-art disinfectants, we offer personalized and effective solutions to guarantee a safe environment in all areas of medicine.

ContactsOur dedicated team stands ready to provide immediate assistance and address your questions

Moita, Portugal

Zona Industrial do Carvalhinho
Lote 11 – Apartado 39
2861-909 Moita

Social Media

+351 21 280 83 90


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since 1990

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